
Rice Grading: 5 Tips to Distinguish the Quality of Rice

Single Variety vs. Mixed Rice: Single variety rice is typically labeled with the characteristics of the rice variety and suitable dishes. Each grain of rice is consistent in taste and texture. Mixed rice, on the other hand, is a blend of different varieties, providing varying textures and flavors. For instance, some grains may be softer [...]

What kind of rice is the most delicious?

  What kind of rice is the most delicious? Like all foods, the fresher the rice, the tastier it will be. The natural aroma and nutritional components of rice are also better preserved. Therefore, choosing rice with a production and milling date closer to the consumption date will result in a more delicious experience.Did you […]

The Varieties of Rice Dishes

Rice is a nutritionally rich food, containing proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals, making it an essential energy source for the human body. (know more about health benefits of rice) Besides providing energy, rice can create a variety of culinary variations, enriching flavors, and delicious dishes through different cooking methods. Below are six cooking variations of [...]

Father of Peng Lai Rice – Iso Eikichi

Rice in Taiwan is primarily divided into two main varieties: indica rice and japonica rice. Centuries ago, Taiwan predominantly cultivated indica rice, which had a diverse range of varieties characterized by slender grains and a drier, firmer texture. Today, Taiwan's paddy fields mainly grow japonica rice, characterized by round, short grains with a soft and [...]

Nutrition Source of Rice & Type of Rice

Rice is a type of cereal grain that is a staple food for over half of the world’s population. It is a versatile and nutritious food that provides a rich source of carbohydrates, protein, fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals. Rice is grown in many regions around the world, and is an important source of […]

Health Benefits of Rice

Rice is one of the most widely consumed staple foods in the world, and for good reason. It is not only a delicious and versatile ingredient, but it also provides numerous health benefits. Rice is rich in carbohydrates, which are essential for providing the body with energy. It also contains fiber, vitamins, and minerals that […]

13 reasons why you must have rice daily!

1. Incredible rice benefits! Interestingly, rice has been one of the most consumed staples across the world and has more nutritional-value than wheat. However, there’s a common myth that eating rice, daily, can lead to belly fat and build unhealthy fat in the body. It is often believed that if you are planning to shed [...]
