Hungry Paulie 愛呷囝仔

What is “愛呷囝仔”?
“愛呷囝仔(ai`-jiǎ– yin`-na`)” means “Hungry Kids”. It is written in a Taiwanese dialect, which was originally coined in Tang Dynasty, and has been spoken in Taiwan and Fujian Province of China since. Particularly, ”愛呷囝仔”is a playful way for adults calling kids who are gluttons.
We love food, lots of different food, just like you.
Taiwanese street foods are the symbol of how Taiwanese triumphs through the hardships and challenges by maximising the food material given when they were scarcely limited in the old days.
For Hungry Paulie, the Taiwanese street foods are not only just one typical type of bites and eats but the caring thoughts and love from the generations passing down!!

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Shop 3, 3/5 Trelawney Street Eastwood NSW 2122
Shop 6, 6 Bourke Street, Mascot NSW
0411 660 866

Hungry Paulie Delivery

✔️ 早餐外送時段 08:00-10:00 (前一天晚9點前截單)
✔️ 午餐外送時段 11:00-14:00 (當日早上9點前截單)
✔️ 晚餐外送時段 17:00-19:00 (當日下午3點 前截單)
以Eastwood 為中心,(Google Maps「行車距離」)
0 – 10公里內$40/免運

✔️ Morning deliver: 8AM – 10AM (Order cut off time at 9PM a day before)
✔️ Lunch delivery: 11AM – 2PM (Order cut off time at 9AM the same day)
✔️ Dinner delivery: 5PM – 7PM (Order cut off time at 3PM the same day)
Friendly reminder:
The delivery distance is determined by the travel distance calculated via Google map starting from the Eastwood store.
0 -10km, minimum order starting at $40 free delivery
11-15km, minimum order starting at $60 free delivery
16-20km, minimum order starting at $80 free delivery
*For any deliveries that are over 20km, please scan the QR code or contact us for direct assistance.
Contact us at: +61 411 660 866/ +61 415 383 668
Contact Us
0411 660 866

Shop 3, 3/5 Trelawney Street Eastwood NSW 2122
Tue – Sun, 07:00 am – 9:00 pm

Shop 6, 6 Bourke Street, Mascot NSW 2020Tue – Sun 08:00 am – 02:00 pm 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm